Recovery Zone - Massage / Physio
Keep your motor running
Your body is your motor (e bike riders aside). Keep your motor well oiled and the pistons pumping with a good massage and/or physio session in our massage zone. Our aim is make this zone like a spa so you can not only recover well but also feel pampered. Bookings are open!
The massage package is for calming tired and sore muscles so that they can rest and recover quickly before the next big day. A daily massage will keep the machine well-oiled and moving.
R480 – 30min
The physio is for those who have on-going or current niggles and who need area specific treatment to keep the machine moving.
R500 – 30min
The chiro will be used to ensure no pain in the neck/back/hips and to provide free movement of knees, shoulders, elbows and ankles. Chiro adjustments can increase flexibility and muscular output so will be beneficial for riders towards the middle/closing stages of the race.
R500 – 30min